Electronic Newsletters
As a part of our school's approach towards the way we communicate, we are excited to inform you that we offer interactive, graphically rich, full colour electronic newsletters to all our parents and community.
The concept of eNews is similar to the printed paper newsletters which we already send out regularly, but with added benefits - eNews is personally delivered directly to your email inbox via the Internet. This delivery method has many advantages. It is cost effective, time efficient & personalised to your name. Most importantly school receives this service completely free of charge from Australian Newsletter Services who also supply our paper newsletters with the help of advertisers. To receive this service all you need is a computer with internet access and email. Those who currently do not have internet access at home can still receive our traditional paper newsletter.
With our eNews service the distance between the school and the parents will be further shortened as the parents will be able to experience firsthand what activities the school is currently undertaking and the latest information on Academic, Health, Sport and other areas that may interest you. This way the whole family can share the success stories of your children as these eNewsletters can be forwarded to anyone with email.
Australian Newsletter Services has made the signup process automated and only takes a few minutes when prompts are followed. Your email address will only be used to send out school eNews and nothing else. If you experience any difficulties please feel free to contact AustNews IT department on 1800 245 077 or email help@austnews.com.au.